How to Deal With Job Rejection and Plan Your Next Steps

How to Deal With Job Rejection and Plan Your Next Steps

Let’s just put it out there: being rejected never feels good. However, in terms of the job search, it can be so much more sensitive. Whether we like it or not, rejection is an unavoidable part of the job search process.

Trying to prevent yourself from experiencing it will not do you any favours; in fact, it will only make you miss out on any potential future opportunities. Rejection is a natural part of life, and it all comes down to how you respond to it that makes all the difference.

So, how to deal with job rejection and plan your next steps? Our expert guide is here to walk you through the process of dealing with job rejection, and turn it into a positive professional outcome.

Getting Over the Rejection

Your first step in dealing with job rejection is, simply, to share the frustration. Share the disappointment, anger, and anything else that accompanies any loss you may have incurred. Friends and family members will always be a great listening ear; reach out to them and see if they have any advice to share on how to deal with job rejection.

Venting is often underestimated, but can be an extremely useful tool when it comes to letting go of the negative and moving on.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that you must ensure you choose your supporters well. Don’t share your feelings with someone who may become your future boss or co-worker. Sure, what you feel may be understandable, however, it may also make a bad impression on someone who may later evaluate your candidacy for another job.

Family members will always be a great choice, as well as old friends who’ve been with you through good times and bad.

Avoid Trash Talk

Job rejection isn’t easy. It’s going to make you mad, angry, and overall, upset. However, no matter what, ensure you resist the urge to trash talk or say anything negative to hiring managers.

Often, it’s difficult to understand why a candidate received a job rejection, it could even mean you were over-qualified. If that is the case, then the employer may have another position for you at some point in the future.

Keep Your Job Search Moving Forward

Dealing with job rejection constantly can make somebody lose momentum in their job search (especially if they feel like they did great at the job interview). Try your very best to keep moving forward, and not to fall into any traps. It’s never a good idea to stop looking for a new job until you have been offered and accepted an upcoming offer.

Having something in writing is essential. If you don’t? Well, just continue with your search. Find other options, receive positive responses from interviewers upon feedback – this will all soften any blow from job rejection. You may even be lucky and come across a better offer, regardless of whether you land the job.

So, with all of this in mind, keep applying, networking, and working on your long-term career plan. Job rejection is just a bump in a long road.

If you really need a helping hand, reach out to us at Lowie Recruitment. We know how frustrating a job search and job rejection can be, and we’re more than happy to help.

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