4 Ideas to Improve Company Culture

4 Ideas to Improve Company Culture

It’s true, at the heart of every successful business out there, is an absolutely thriving company culture . You know it, your employees are your greatest asset. When they feel connected to your business’ mission along with its values, they’re so much more likely to produce incredible work, which will ultimately help your business grow immensely.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that solid improvement in company culture isn’t something that can be faked, nor can it be bought. Your leadership team, along with yourself, must continually check its pulse and ensure that your engagement strategies are successful. If they’re not? Well, it’s time to try something new. If you’re not sure where to start, we’ve listed 4 ideas to improve company culture to help out, and get you on the right foot to a beautiful work environment for you, and all of your hard-working employees.

1. Cultivate Strong Co-worker Relationships

When your employees have strong relationships within the workplace, it boosts employee engagement. However, it doesn’t happen automatically. Looking to build strong co-worker relationships takes a bunch of time, effort, and some fun dedicated team-building activities. And no, we’re not talking about the outdated methods of the ‘’trust fall’’, or ‘’two truths and a lie’’.

In order to improve company culture, take them paintballing, plan a fun trip to an escape room and get everybody working together. Believe us, fun and good memories motivate, and help to retain those employees you love.

2. Group Fitness Classes

This idea to improve company culture does what it says, and even helps you and your employees to keep fit. All work and no play isn’t good for anyone. So, along with planning fun getaways out of the office, add fitness classes. The endorphins received from a quick 45-minute bike class will work wonders on productivity as soon as they’re back in the office.

3. Stay True to Your Core Values

A big part of improving company culture is to always remember to stay true to your company’s core values. Your core values are so much more than just a list of bullet points on your About Us page. They’re your North Star, and lie at the heart and soul of your organization. Due to this, you should look at aligning your perks with your company values. So, if your core value is something like ‘’You Are Unique’’, give everyone a paid day off on their birthday to celebrate the fact that they are in fact unique, and they should be celebrated.

4. Unlimited Time Off

We know, this sounds absolutely crazy. However, it has been proven to work time and time again when it comes to company culture. Your employees are not robots, and they should be able to take as much time off as needed in order to better perform. You should give them the opportunity to take personal time, and work from home when required. After all, if you find that the work is still being completed on time and to a high standard, why would where they are located matter? If you find that staff begins to abuse this, warn that it will be changed. Otherwise, enjoy your happier and more energetic employees!