How to Nail Your Phone Interview – 4 Phone Interview tips

How to Nail Your Phone Interview

Before in-person interviews came about, companies often turned to phone interviews to seek out new employees for their business. Now that in-person interviews aren’t possible due to the pandemic, companies have once again turned to phone interviews!

This is your chance to make a good impression, to show your future employer that you’re going to be amazing to work with, and that you’re a qualified candidate to fill the role. In this article, we’re going to fill you in on some phone interview tips, so you can nail it, and land your dream job.

But first, what exactly is a phone interview ?

So, What Is a Phone Interview?

A phone interview, summed up, is something that usually lies around the interview process. If you appear qualified on your resume, you should expect the employer or recruiter to phone up and ask about your skills, experience, and career objectives. Whilst a typical interview lasts around 1hr, a phone interview should only last for around 30 minutes as a recruiter will ask questions to seek more general information in order to move you on to the next stage.

Now that you’re fully aware, let’s move on to our phone interview tips!

Phone Interview Tips

Phone Interview Tips
Phone Interview Tips

Schedule an Appropriate Time for the Interview

First things first, you need to make sure that you schedule an appropriate time, and reply promptly upon receiving the initial interview request email sent. When an employer or recruiter contacts you to schedule a phone interview, you need to make sure that you do it within ample time in case it runs longer than expected. This way, your anxiety stays away knowing that you’ll be organized and have more than enough time to complete it. Also, make sure that your environment is free of noise and distractions. By doing this, you’ll be able to be as professional and as confident as possible.

Research the Company You’re Going to Interview With

Next, ensure that you use the company’s website to learn more about the organization. Educate yourself on what they do, what industry they are part of, and who their clients are. If they have a portfolio, look at some of their recently completed projects in order to use it as a reference throughout your interview. This makes you look informed, and that you have made the effort to learn about the company you could potentially be working for.

Understand the Position

Have you read the job description 100 times? Read it 101 times. Read it until you fully understand what is to be expected of you if you were to land the role. If you’re aware of the duties and responsibilities, move on to highlight how your skills and training will allow you to bring success to the company.

Prepare Questions

Trust us, employers will be super impressed if you manage to ask insightful questions in a phone interview. Make sure to question anything that you do not understand or that you’re curious about. Ask them about their company culture, the team structure, or anything else you couldn’t find during your research. Remember – always keep the questions polite, and professional.